Archives par étiquette : informalité

L’informalité et la ville : nouvelles perspectives

Deux événements des prochains jours témoignent de la vigueur et du renouvellement des questions sur la question de l’informel et de la ville. Ils font écho à des débats et des discussions déjà abordés sur ce carnet, autour des travaux d’Ayona Datta, qui présente son travail dans un séminaire du projet Inverses à Paris le 26 avril, et de ceux de Mona Fawaz, qui coordonne la nouvelle édition des City Debates de l’Université Américaine de Beyrouth du 22 au 24 avril.

Territoire et Informalité en Ville, Paris, 26 avril

datta-sem-parisCe séminaire organisé par Jérôme Tadié et le groupe de recherche Inverses se tient le vendredi 26 avril de 10h30 à 12h30 en salle 870, bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, Université Paris-Diderot, rue Albert Einstein.

Ayona Datta y fera une intervention intitulée: “The Illegal City: Space, Law and Gender in Delhi’s Slums

Résumé : This lecture will explore the notion of violence of law (using critiques of Benjamin and Derrida and other postcolonial authors) in the context of Delhi’s urban development. It will focus on three everyday spaces – gendered social organisation in the neighbourhood, contestations over water and sanitation, and gender power relations within the home to explore how slum dwellers use law as both a threat and resource and therefore relate to both law and the state through discourses of modernity and development.

Elle s’appuiera sur la lecture de :

1. Appadurai, A. 2001. Deep Democracy: Urban Governmentality and the Horizon of Politics. Environment and Urbanization, 13(2), 23–43.

2. Benjamin, W. 1978. Critique of Violence. In Reflections: Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings by W. Benjamin and P. Demetz, New York: Schocken Books, 277–300.

3. Datta, A 2012. ‘Introduction’, in The Illegal City: Space, Law and gender in a Delhi Squatter Settlement, Farnham: Ashgate. (Can be downloaded from

4. Holston, J. 2008. ‘Chapter 6: Legalizing the Illegal’ in Insurgent Citizenship: Disjunctions of Democracy and modernity in Brazil, Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp203-232.

Rethinking Informality: Design Tactics/Planning Strategies, City Debates 2013, American University of Beirut, 22-23-24 Avril

Titled Rethinking Informality: Design Tactics/Planning Strategies, City Debates 2013 will address the theme of informal spatial production as it materializes in different scalar levels and within multiple contexts of the Middle-East and beyond. By bringing together scholars, practicing planners and designers, as well as activists engaged in a reflection about the spatial production of informal settlements, their changing position in ever-growing cities, and their relation to both the agricultural and urban landscapes at the intersection of which they often stand, the event seeks to articulate a critical discourse about planning and design that goes beyond the traditional/professional understandings of these disciplines. Case studies will be taken from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt but also India, Columbia, Germany, France, the United States, and more to draw parallels across national contexts. In light of the centrality of forced population displacement movements in our region, special attention is given in refugee camps in the region.

Coordination : Mona Fawaz, AUB

Programme complet et détails :