Jbeil. Toward an Inclusive City

I am pleased to release the Capstone report the team of students from the Urban School at Sciences Po (Marina Najjar, Corentin Ortais, Diane Pialucha, Lucien Zerbib) I supervised last semester (February-June 2017) elaborated for the Municipality of Jbeil, Lebanon. Capstones are “client-oriented group research projects, based on original field research which generates a deliverable product”.

Below is the executive summary of the report, which can be downloaded from here.

Executive summary

Jbeil is a unique city with a rich and profound historical legacy. Its cultural heritage, its old port, peaceful environment and growing economy, all make it an attractive city for people from all over Lebanon and the world. Yet, certain challenges
accompany its development as it transforms into an attractive economic pole in the
region. This report argues that inclusive measures which place the residents of Jbeil at the center of its vision can answer current challenges and ensure a resilient development for city. In the following report, we propose four main strategies in order to reach an inclusive vision.

Firstly, in order to stimulate the economy, this report recommends a diversification of the economic system by:

  • Promoting a sustainable tourism which broadens the offer of tourist attractions
    ▶Exemplary reference: Eco-tourism in Sidi Amor, Tunisia
  • Investing in different economic potential to foster a balanced economy
    Exemplary reference: Creativity platform in Thessaloniki, Greece. Improvement of the urban environment

Secondly, to improve mobility, especially between the East and the West of the city, and enhance green and accessible urban spaces, this report recommends:

  • Promoting alternative modes of transportation and improve mobility
    ▶Exemplary reference: Demand Responsive Transport in Hericourt, France
  • Drawing on open spaces to promote well-being and spaces where families can socialize
    ▶Exemplary reference: The Bothy Project World Garden in Glasgow, United Kingdom

Thirdly, to enhance social involvement in order to include residents in the city’s activities and urban decisions, strategies include:

  • Implicating residents in the decision making process of governance of Jbeil
    ▶Exemplary reference: Local democracy in Nîmes, France
  • Improve cohesion and peace by promoting events and projects that activate social engagement, from the youth to the elderly
    ▶Exemplary reference: Neighbors day in Cannes, France

Finally, the development of a coordinated governance is necessary to successfully implement policies and projects. This can be done by:

  • Adapting the organisation of the Municipality to a rapidly growing city through coordination
  • Envisioning a comprehensive city strategy
    ▶Exemplary reference: Open Street Mapping in Chefchaouen, Morroco

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Eric Verdeil (6 février 2018). Jbeil. Toward an Inclusive City. Rumor. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/tu3y

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