Le LCPS publie après un long processus éditorial cet ouvrage, dirigé par Mona Harb et Sami Atallah. Les textes, préparés en 2013, sont en anglais et en français, et accessibles en ligne. Une version arabe existe par ailleurs.
Un jalon utile dans la réflexion et l’accumulation de la connaissance, mais un état des lieux sans doute en partie déjà dépassé par la violence qui déchire la région, tandis que les politiques publiques courent après sans logique.
Decentralization, democratization, and the role of regional and local governments in delivering services are key issues to development across the Arab world. While the tools and processes by which decentralization is carried out vary, the stated goals of these efforts are to create a more democratic system of governance and more effective urban management.
Countries across the Arab world have been engaged in a range of decentralization efforts. This book documents and assesses past and current decentralization policies and initiatives in five Arab states. Country-specific case studies are authored by Ali Bouabid and Aziz Iraki for Morocco, Sami Yassine Turki and Eric Verdeil for Tunisia, Myriam Ababsa for Jordan, Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj for Yemen, and Mona Harb and Sami Atallah for Lebanon.
The common analytical framework is structured along three components: The rules and politics of decentralization, the legislation and practice of service delivery, and the fiscal structures of decentralization. Through the examination of service delivery cases, we identify, document, and understand instances of power struggles at the regional and local levels, and features that explain their varying successes and failures.
Table des matières
Introduction: A New Framework for Assessing Decentralization in the Arab World, Mona Harb and Sami Atallah
Chapter 1 Tunisie: La Constitution (du Printemps) Ouvre le Débat sur la Décentralisation, Sami Yassine Turki et Eric Verdeil
Chapter 2 Maroc: Tensions Centralisatrices, Ali Bouabid et Aziz Iraki
Chapter 3: Yemen: Between Tides of Unity and Tribal Approval, Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj
Chapter 4: Jordanie: la Décentralisation par Décision Centralisée et la Démocratie par Volonté Royale, Myriam Ababsa
Chapter 5: Lebanon: A Fragmented and Incomplete Decentralization, Mona Harb and Sami Atallah
Synthesis: An Assessment of Decentralization and Service Delivery in the Arab World,
Mona Harb and Sami Atallah
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Eric Verdeil (2 octobre 2015). Vient (enfin) de paraître: Local Governments and Public Goods: Assessing Decentralization in the Arab World. Rumor. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/tu2q