Le 21 septembre dernier, je reçois l’email suivant:
I hope to find you well.
I would like to inform you that, based on your publishing history, you are invited to contribute a chapter to a new book project under the working title “Natural Gas“. This book will be published by InTech Open Access publisher, under the editorship of Dr. Santosh Mohanty.
The book will be an Open Access publication made available through InTech’s reading platform and indexed in scientific databases.
To learn more about the project (suggested topics, deadlines and the publishing process) and to register your participation, please visit:
Please notice that an Article Processing Charge of 670 euro will be applied to cover the Open Access publishing process expenses.
We hope that you will be able to join this project and I will be happy to help with any questions you might have.
Edi Lipovic
Publishing Process Manager
Je regarde: voici les indications
About the book
This book will be a self-contained collection of scholarly papers targeting an audience of practicing researchers, academics, PhD students and other scientists.
The contents of the book will be written by multiple authors and edited by experts in the field.
The authors are given the liberty of choosing a topic which best suits their current research efforts. In other words, we do not limit you in terms of the topic but encourage you to present your work. Later, when all chapter proposals are collected, the editor will give a more general direction of the book and decide on its scope.
Types of papers
We accept theoretical and applied scientific papers which can be presented as original research papers and review papers. The required length of the full chapters is 16-26 pages.
On le voit, aucun propos scientifique, le “scientific editor” n’a strictement rien à voir avec mon champ scientifique. Mais j’ai publié récemment un article sur le développement urbain et les réseaux de gaz naturel dans trois villes du sud de la Méditerranée, et un robot a du ainsi m’identifier. Et en plus il faudrait réagir très vite, un résumé pour le 12 octobre!
Je ne répond même pas. Mais voilà que ce matin, relance:
[CFP] Followup: Natural Gas
Dear Dr. Verdeil,
I would like to remind you that you have been invited to contribute a chapter to a new book project under the working title “Natural Gas“.
Ma réponse:
“Dear Sir
I don’t pay for being published in a book that seems to have to other rationale than making authors pay and fill the pocket of the publishers (and the editors?).
This is not science, this is just fraud.”
Il me répond:
Dear Dr. Verdeil,
I am sorry to hear that you feel that way.
Nevertheless thank you for your reply.
I wish you luck in your future career.
Deux auteurs sont censés avoir déjà annoncé leur intention de contribuer: un Colombien et un Iranien. Peut être leurs crédits de recherche sont ils abondants?
Il y a quelques semaines, via Twitter, un universitaire anglais ou américain racontait qu’il avait ainsi été sollicité par un éditeur inconnu de lui pour proposer un livre sur n’importe quel sujet. Le job de cet interlocuteur consistait à faire publier un nombre élevé de livres y compris les plus improbables, étant certain que dans le lot il s’en vendrait assez pour rentabiliser le coût d’impression… Si quelqu’un retrouve la référence, je serai ravi de la rajouter.
L’édition “universitaire” devient folle. On ne s’étonne plus que dans l’opinion des hommes et des femmes politiques, l’université ne sert à rien. En tout cas, vaut-elle ce qu’elle coûte dans ce genre de cas? Pourtant c’est peut être bon pour la croissance, celle de la Croatie dans ce cas, à moins que les bénéfices soient exfiltrés au Liechtenstein.
A côté de cela, je vois paraître un livre qui a l’air très intéressant chez Routledge (The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates), mais il est vendu 225$! Vivement que les auteurs mettent leurs papiers en archives ouvertes. Mais au fond, a-t-on encore besoin des éditeurs dans ces cas là? C’est juste du racket.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Eric Verdeil (29 septembre 2015). Du livre scientifique comme business et du scientifique comme vache-à-lait. Rumor. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/tu2o
et maintenant Nova publisher, 1500 livres par an. Argh!
même technique de hameçonage, même liberté de proposer n’importe quoi. En gros, on fait tout le boulot, et quelques exemplaires vendus (ceux que j’achèterai moi sans doute) leur fournissent leur chiffre d’affaire. Evidemment rien n’est prévu ici pour l’open access…
Dear Dr. Verdeil,
We have learned of your published research on Syria [un demi article…] and would like to invite you to participate in our publishing program. We also ask that you extend this invitation letter to any of your trusted and recommended colleagues active in this field of research.
A number of possibilities are available for our cooperation.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. is an academic STM publisher founded in 1985 in New York. We publish about 1,500 new books and over 50 journals a year (please visit our website at http://www.novapublishers.com and Testimonials for a better idea of what we do and how we work). Our readership is primarily research level academia. Our books and journals are sold worldwide, we work with all major booksellers and have representatives and agents on four continents and in most countries. Thousands of our authors, editors and contributors come from prestigious universities from around the globe. Many of our authors have published several books with Nova in the course of thirty years.
In particular, we welcome two possible avenues of cooperation (you can select one or both and let us know by return email):
1. Your authorship or editorship of a monograph or edited collection on a topic of your choice.
The format (monograph or edited collection), approach and the manuscript submission date would be at your discretion. If you are interested, please fill in our Book Idea Form that can be found on this link: Book Idea Form and return it to my attention at n.columbus@novapublishers.com. If your book proposal is accepted for publication, we will send our agreement for your evaluation and signature. Your book will be published in printed and electronic formats simultaneously.
2. Your submission of one or more original research or review chapter(s) for our upcoming hardcover edited collection (by selected invitation only) tentatively entitled:
Syria: Economic, Political and Social Issues
Related Nova publication:
Economic Development in the Middle East and North African Countries: Contemporary Issues
Hadi S. Esfahani (University of Illinois, Urbana, IL), Gulcay Tuna (Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey)
The deadline for the abstract is November 5, 2015 and for the completed chapter February 5, 2016. Please send the abstract and the chapter to nova.main@novapublishers.com.
We also welcome proposals to serve as the editor of this volume. If you are interested, please send your latest CV to n.columbus@novapublishers.com. Proposals to serve as the editor are welcome up to the abstract deadline.
The contributions for this edited book are intended to range from 4,000 to 35,000 words. If you are interested in participating, please consult the Notes for Contributors below. Should your schedule not allow a full contribution at this time, we would welcome either a Commentary or Short Communication of 1,000-4,000 words.
The book will be published in about 6-9 months after the close of the volume. As soon as a book is listed on our Website (www.novapublishers.com), the codes in the status field will indicate the production stages through publication cycle.
Please read: Notes for Edited Book Chapter Contributors
I. Draft Abstract (150-500 words):
II. Copyright Transfer Form (Must be signed and submitted WITH THE MANUSCRIPT)
Under the terms of United States Copyright Law, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (NOVA) must formally obtain transfer of copyright before a chapter/article can be published, unless it was prepared as part of the author’s official duties as an employee of the United States government.
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2. I affirm that I (and my coauthors) have obtained written permission for unrestricted use of any previously copyrighted material included in the article and that such documentation will be forwarded to NOVA for its files. I further affirm that I (and my coauthors) have stated any possible conflicts of interest within the Work.
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Fields marked * are required.
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*Chapter/Article Title: ______________________________
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___I prepared the Work as part of my official duties as any employee of the United States Federal Government. Therefore, I am unable to transfer rights to NOVA. I affirm the author’s warranties in points 1 and 2 above.
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Corresponding Author’s Name (please print): …………………………………………………………………………………….
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Nothing contained in this document shall prohibit submission of the article/chapter to NIH by the author in compliance with the Public Access Policy.
III. Reviews (Please select one)
Peer review to be arranged by author ……………………………..
Editorial Review at Nova ……………………………..
IV. Biographical Sketch
Please fill out the Biographical Sketch listed here to have your abstract and biographical sketch published in Nova’s series of books containing specialized-topic research summaries (abstracts) and biographical sketches:
Date of Birth:
Research and Professional Experience:
Professional Appointments:
Publications Last Three Years:
If the edited collection does not fit your current research profile, we invite you to submit an article for possible online publication in Online Research Updates.
*Open Access
*Unlimited Color
*Can be updated by the author for a period of two years at intervals of 6 months, 12 months and 24 months after publication
*Nominal charge for inclusion
We look forward to the possibility of working together.
Sincerely yours,
Ping : Lectures autour du colloque- partie 1 : L’évaluation ouverte avant et après publication | Réseau Toulouse