Appel à contributions : The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Urban Development: Ideas, Trajectories, and Actors

Je relaie un intéressant appel à contributions diffusé sur H-Urban, par Monika Grubbauer. Ce sont des thèmes sur lesquels j’ai beaucoup travaillé il y a quelques années, notamment dans “Expertises nomades”, dossier paru dans Géocarrefour, et dans mes réflexions sur l’urbaniste Michel Ecochard (voir ici). D’une certaine manière, le développement urbain durable pourrait donner lieu à des recherches du même type mais pour l’instant, ce n’est pas vraiment la perspective que j’ai choisie. On y viendra peut être.

The Transnational Dimension of Contemporary Urban Development: Ideas, Trajectories, and Actors

Paper Session

Association of American Geographers, February 24-28, 2012, New York City

Organizer: Monika Grubbauer (Technical University Darmstadt)

The increasingly uniform appearance of globalizing cities across the world has been a subject of discussions for a while now. Debates have concentrated on office towers and central business districts, repetitive iconic architecture as well as upscale condominiums and private housing estates. The role of celebrity architects has gained the most attention here. Other lines of investigation have been the different international reach of the actors involved in the production of the built environment as well as the paradigmatic shift in international real estate development related to securitization and financialization. However, how the ideas and concepts underlying urban development projects in globalizing cities are transferred and adapted to guide contemporary urban development in cities around the world and especially in different cultural and political contexts is still open to empirical assessment.

This session seeks to examine processes of knowledge transfer that influence the material transformation of cities. Papers addressing the following questions are welcome:

1) What are examples of the worldwide transfer of ideas and concepts in urban development related to architecture, planning, and urban design? Who are the agents of these kinds of transfers? [A focus on the role of non-professionals in the building industry (investors, developers as well as policy advisers and city authorities) is of special interest in this regard. ] Finally, what are the trajectories of these knowledge transfers?

2) What is the quality of these processes? — Are ideas and concepts simply exported/imported inter-nationally to be applied in different contexts or is there a trans-national dimension to urban development in the sense that ideas and concepts are being established via forums, pressure groups and urban policy networks and repeated cross-border exchange and then applied according to the mutually established consensus?

Papers with an empirical focus are preferred; theoretical papers will also be considered. Particularly welcome are papers that address the knowledge transfer between Global North and Global South and/or between different cultural and political contexts. Also very welcome are papers that consider the transfer of ideas and concepts which are directly related to the material dimension of the built environment and which have visible/traceable effects on urban space by shaping e.g. the appearance, layout, or infrastructure of urban quarters.

If you are interested in participating in the session please send an abstract (250 words) to Monika Grubbauer (<>) including the title of the proposed paper, names of authors and affiliations by Sept. 12th, 2011. For any questions please feel free to contact me.


Dr. Monika Grubbauer, Interdisciplinary Urban Research, Faculty of Architecture, Technische Universität Darmstadt

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